MEHS building

MEHS building

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Class List Update Info Needed!

Hey you'all, we are trying to update the class roster as it things likely have changed from 5 and 10 years ago. If you could please provide the following info that would be great!

Class list update!
Please SEND AN EMAIL to with the following info:
1. Your last name in high school
2. Your current last name
3. Your first name
4. Your complete mailing address
5. Your phone number(s) (please specify if H(ome), M(obile), or W(ork))
6. Your email address(es)
7. Spouse/Partner's first and last name
8. Permanent contact: the name and contact information of someone who will know how to find you in 10 years (e.g., a sibling, close friend, parent).

Thanks much!
MEHS Reunion Committee