MEHS building

MEHS building

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Welcome Mankato East High Class of '86 Alumni!

Hello all! It is that time again. Yes, another milestone in our lives -- your 25th high school class reunion!

Just seems like yesterday when we gathered in Mankato, Eagle Lake and Lake Washington for a weekend of memories, laughs and few drinks as well for our 20th reunion. Fast forward five years later and wow, how the the world changed! Facebook emerged the year after our reunion and today many of us are in contact with each other as if we were still meeting daily at the building on Hoffman Road.

Our cars are newer (and more expensive), our computers are smaller and more powerful, those clunky cell phones have turned into computers doing all sorts of things to make our lives more convenient (and also busier) and some of our kids have begun following our steps of graduating high school and moving onto the big world. And, this is since September of 2006!

Nothing like feeling old, hugh?

Our 25 yr reunion committee has begun the task of planning and coordinating our reunion weekend so please give a big hand and shout out to Stephanie Gober, Tabatha (Sundstrom) Erck, Shelly (Miller) Bauer and Carol (Huettl) Lambert for taking on the task which is not easy! Some of us are very hard to find and getting us together at one place and one time is a bit like herding cats.

The first call to do duty is when to plan this.  The committee has a poll survey here or on the upper right of web page to help plan the best weekend for as many people as possible. Please take a moment to click a few buttons and hit send to help the planning! The poll will close on the evening of January 31, 2011.
